Item# 42296

Rc Trf419 Alum Lower Deck

Sale Price: $45.00 MSRP: $94.00

This 2mm-thick aluminum lower deck was designed for the top-end TRF419 chassis. It is recommended for use on high-grip surfaces such as carpet or indoor ... Learn more

Rc Trf419 Alum Lower Deck

  1. Description

    This 2mm-thick aluminum lower deck was designed for the top-end TRF419 chassis. It is recommended for use on high-grip surfaces such as carpet or indoor asphalt.

  2. When used on high-grip surfaces, this lower deck takes the edge off of the front grip, giving smooth cornering.
  3. Features a cool black anodized surface for excellent durability.
  4. Compatible with TRF419 chassis.

  5. Specifications
