Item# 47406

Rc Wr-02Cb F Parts

Frame (White)

MSRP: $10.50

These parts are a white color variant used on the TAMIYA WR-02CB chassis. Use them to create a custom chassis look for the Comical Grasshopper or Comical Hornet. ... Learn more

Rc Wr-02Cb F Parts

  1. Description

    These parts are a white color variant used on the TAMIYA WR-02CB chassis. Use them to create a custom chassis look for the Comical Grasshopper or Comical Hornet.

    • WR-02CB F Parts (Frame) (White) x1
    • The F Parts sprue features side frame, wheelie bar parts and more.
    • Compatible with WR-02, WR-02C, WR-02G, WR02CB, GF-01 and G6-01 chassis models.

  2. Specifications
