Item# 40521

Rc Gb01 Flag Sticker Set

"Buggy Characters"


These stickers make use of the image of Tamiyas popular 1980s buggy characters such as the Frog, Hornet and Fox. Now with the goal of spreading awareness of these ... Learn more

Rc Gb01 Flag Sticker Set

  1. Description

    These stickers make use of the image of Tamiyas popular 1980s buggy characters such as
    the Frog, Hornet and Fox. Now with the goal of spreading awareness of these characters to a
    new audience, we offer this special sticker set. Designed for use with any TamTech-Gear GB-
    01 chassis as well as ITEM 40515 GB-01 Bumper Set, this stickers are both fun, and offer a
    variety of uses.

    • Variety of stickers including antenna flags and bumper stickers is perfect for giving your
      TamTech-Gear machine a unique and colorful look.
    • Use antenna flag stickers to easily distinguish your TamTech-Gear car from other similar
    • Colorful and cartoon-like Frog, Hornet and Fox-Mini stickers can be used to decorate not
      just R/C cars, but virtually anything.

  2. Specifications

    • Discontinued True