Item# 54387

Rc 2.6X27Mm Suspension Shaft

Db01/Db02 Titanium Coated 2Pcs


These suspension shafts for off-road buggies feature a durable titanium coating. They better protect the shaft against dirt and debris as well as ensure smooth ... Learn more

Rc 2.6X27Mm Suspension Shaft

  1. Description

    These suspension shafts for off-road buggies feature a durable titanium coating. They better protect the shaft against dirt and debris as well as ensure smooth suspension movement compared to regular stainless steel shafts.

  2. 2.6x27mm Titanium Coated Suspension Shaft x 2
  3. Can be used on rear suspension of the DN-01, TRF201 chassis (requires 2pcs).
  4. Can be used on both front/rear suspension of the DB01, DB02, TRF511, TRF502X chassis (requires 4pcs.).

  5. Specifications

    • Discontinued True