1. Builders Showcase

    We travel around the usa and see some fascinating works-of-art and know you have put all your talent into finishing our products.

    Submit Your Work
  1. About Builders Showcase
  2. Photo Tips & Tricks
  3. Rules & Requirements
  4. This Month's Winner
  1. Model building is a form of art. It takes a talented eye and skilled hands to precisely assemble and paint/finish a model kit. We know your hard work and artistic talents deserve to be shown and recognized. That is why we have provided an online “Builders Showcase” gallery in which you may submit your best Tamiya builds. Simply follow the instructions and we will evaluate your work for display in our Builders Showcase gallery.

    Until further notice all material submitted for Builders Showcase will be SOLELY utilized on our social media channels (facebook/instagram). If you agree to these terms please provide your social media links/handles (if applicable) so we can give the proper credit.

    Thank you for your support!

    Submit Your Work
